Fatal Footage, Episode 1

Here at TortureVision, the manner in which we rate media is fairly simple. We reserve the “Good” rating for features that were better than expected. We deem “Bad” features as awful, yet still enjoyable productions. Lastly, we disregard painfully miserable features as “Abortions.” When devising this system we had no clue we'd ever encounter suffering worse than the latter- but two horrendous films took us by complete surprise... David Cronenberg's Crash (1996) and Jamie Blanks' Valentine (2001). If you consider watching subpar media to be tantamount to torture, then you should think of these two features as Fatal Footage! In this episode we discuss Crash and Valentine, as well as share some behind-the-scenes thoughts and address a few frequently asked questions. 

1 comment:

  1. At one point in this you mention it'd be cool to submit suggestions, so here's a piece of shit: Enemy, with Jake Gyllenhaal. It has a 6 on IMDB, so it fits perfectly w the anathema of ratings for both you and those filthy fucking retards. I was fooled into watching this just now, all of it, even the interview at the end that doesn't explain jackshitanything... this is a horrible, unfinished, art house, Metamorphosis abortion. I detest it with all of my heart and I'm pretty convinced you two will feel the same. Happy hating.


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