Wishmaster (1997)

Nathaniel Demerest” is a djinn, or evil genie, who deviously uses semantics to turn peoples deepest wishes into deadly nightmares. When Alexandra, an auctioneer-slash-gym coach, unwittingly releases Nathaniel from his gemstone prison, she finds herself the target of his grievous generosity. Armed with a sharp mind, and a shitload of textbook research, Alexandra matches wits with Nathaniel in an effort to save herself (and the entire world). 
TortureVision Rating: BAD
Good features were better than expected. Bad features were awful, yet still enjoyable. Abortions were utter torment to sit through.


  1. I love that you two include the element of how it could've been done differently, or even the possibly accidental aspect of making it better by the schemes of grandure you guys come up w to explain stupid shit (like the communist Trident party in one of the other episodes). It's something I never hear from my friends when they talk about movies so it's a cool addition here.

    1. Thanks. I can't speak for Anthony, but sometimes when I'm watching a bad movie my mind will drift and I'll imagine how the movie could've been better. I think it's my brain's natural defense against boredom... kind of like how my body will force my stomach to vomit if I've consumed too much alcohol. ;)


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