A Woman Scorned (1992)

A TortureVision Holiday Special: 
Betty's an irrational woman who treats her husband badly, so he ultimately files for divorce. Feeling spurned by the split, Betty makes it her full-time job to stalk and harass her ex-husband (as well as his new love interest). Unfortunately, this game of bitch-and-mouse ends in tragedy- a classic trademark of your average Lifetime movies. We watched this trashy biopic (“based on a true story”) with our mother in celebration of Mother's Day... because dear old mom enjoys this kind of dismal stuff.
TortureVision Rating: BAD
Good features were better than expected. Bad features were awful, yet still enjoyable. Abortions were utter torment to sit through.


  1. thank you for the mothers day gift . Love you Anthony , Love you Branden, hope to see you soon.

  2. I love listening to this series of podcasts bc it's so caustic, but this episode in particular is my favourite. This is the one I specify when I want a friend to listen- it's the perfect indoctrination mostly bc it's quotable but specifically bc you say your mother is the Bin Laden of mothers. Bravo.

    1. Awesome. Thanks for listening. There's a lot more abrasive content to come! :)


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